Numbers play an important role in our daily lives. We are all under the influence of numbers through our names, addresses, time, money, addresses, telephones, keyboards, tapes, security numbers, bank accounts, elevators etc. Living without numbers is very difficult for human beings. Though the effect these numbers have on us cannot be seen or felt by us, these numbers do have an enormous effect on our lives, that's the theory behind Numerology.
Birth Path Number
The birth path number, which suggests your overall path in life and place in the world, is based on your complete birth date. It is easy to calculate. Simply add up the digits of your birth data, and keep "reducing" (explained via the example here) to a single digit.
If your birthday is April 28, 1968, for example, note it as follows:
- Birth Month is April, which is the 4th month = 4 Birth Day is 28 = 28 Birth Year is 1968 = 1968.
- Add up the digits of all of these numbers: 4+2+8+1+9+6+8 = 38
- Further "reduce" this number to a single digit by adding its digits: 3+8 = 11
- And then further reduce it, if necessary: 1+1 = 2
- The final digit, 2, is the Birth Path Number!